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10 advanced JavaScript project ideas for experts in 2024

10 advanced JavaScript project ideas for experts Are you a JavaScript developer and looking to improve your skills? Creating advanced JavaScript projects will help you improve your skills and showcase your skills to clients. JavaScript is one of the most famous programming languages because it can be used on both sides, frontend and backend. At frontend it is used to create interactive elements in website and at backend it is used to add functionality. I am presenting ten advanced JavaScript project ideas to help you make your portfolio stand out and impress everyone. These JavaScript project ideas are innovative and unique. Source code is also available to make your coding journey easy. 1. Business data Visualization Dashboard Create a stylish dashboard where employees can view and understand complex company data. It should support dynamic filtering, access capability, and live data changes. It should also be able to collect data from a variety of sources, such as APIs or databases, and perform advanced data visualization to present the information in an effective manner. Source Code 2. Chat Application First, create a responsive user interface for Chat applications in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This includes building login, register, profile, and chat pages. After that, select backend technology such as Node js or PHP. You choose a JavaScript framework like to maintain bidirectional communication. Then you need to set up the chat features and functions, like sending and getting messages, making and joining chat rooms, making and accepting voice and video calls, and sharing media and files.Development of this application is challenging, but if you get stuck at any point, source code is available to help you. Source Code 3. Covid-19 Stats Dashboard using JavaScript This is one of the most fantastic project ideas for testing API and web designing skills in JavaScript. This web application displays the latest data and trends about the coronavirus pandemic. It can help users to stay informed and aware of the global and local situation. To build this web application, get an API of COVID data and use HTML CSS JavaScript to display this data on the dashboard. Remember you will get a lot of data from API. You have to extract only valid data through JavaScript and have to display it in HTML and CSS Source Code 4. File sharing web app The most important thing when making a file sharing app is making sure it is safe. This job of this app is to make it safe for people to share files with each other. Before sharing, the app encrypts the files so that only the people who are supposed to see them can open them. The app also decrypts the files for users to be able to see them after getting them. After the setup is done, it can also download things and open them in the browser. Source Code 5. Collaborative Code Editor The purpose of this project is to create a code editor where multiple developers can code at the same time. The code editor should have features like showing which user is coding and changing the color of the code. A real-time chat feature should be available to talk related code. Also, embed security features to stop unauthorized users from using your code. To develop this project, first, use HTML CSS to increase the User interface and then add functionality using JavaScript. Source Code 6. Music player web application Building  a music player is one of the trickiest JavaScript tasks for skilled programmers. For this project, you need to make an app that can look for songs on the device’s music library, play or pause songs, and repeat or shuffle playlists.First select a back-end language to add functionality like Node JS or PHP than make user interface. Source Code 7. Full stack web application For this task, you need to make both the front end and the back end of the web application. Frameworks for JavaScript can help you with this. You can then add more advanced features, like getting users log in and make changes in real time, connecting to databases with tools like MongoDB or PostgreSQL, and deploying your app using Amazon Web Services or Heroku. Source Code 8. Animated Landing Page using JavaScript An animated landing page is easy to develop. First, create a simple Landing page in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To add animation, you can use multiple javascript libraries, such as three, js pixi.js, and phaser. If you don’t want to use these libraries, you can simply animate elements in JavaScript and CSS Source Code 9. Block chain based voting system This project aims to create a voting system using blockchain technology. This means that voting information is stored in a way that no one else can change. To accomplish this, a platform like Ethereum can be used to create a “smart contract” that tracks votes and controls how they are cast. Then, it would help if you designed an easy-to-use interface so people can vote safely and quickly. Finally, you must include measures that ensure the legitimacy of the voting mechanism and prevent hackers from exploiting it. Source Code 10. Fiverr Clone Creating a web application similar to Fiverr, a website that connects freelancers with clients, is the goal of this project. Implement JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in order to develop a visually appealing and functional website. Additionally, you must use a number of JavaScript frameworks, including Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Prisma, and Kinsta. Source Code Are there any prerequisites for these projects? Most projects assume a solid understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Familiarity with additional technologies, such as Node.js, may be required for specific projects. Can I modify these projects to suit my specific needs? Absolutely! Feel free to add your unique touch, modify features, or combine elements from different projects. The goal is to stimulate creativity and innovation. Are these projects suitable for beginners? No, these projects are designed for experienced JavaScript developers looking to enhance their skills. If you’re

web development project ideas

10 Web Development Projects for beginners

10 Web Development Projects with Source Code Are you a new web developer who wants to improve your skills? The best method to enhance your skills is to create projects. Today, I present you with ten web development projects to help you improve your grades and resume. They’re ideal for showcasing your skills, whether you’re just starting or have been coding for a long. These projects will be challenging and engaging, keeping you interested while providing helpful experience. The source code is also available to help you. 1. Personal Portfolio Website (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Online presence is very important in this digital age. If you are a service provider or freelancer Personal portfolio website is interesting way to introduce yourself. You have to introduce yourself on website and provide skills, reviews and contact information on your portfolio website. To create this project first add a structure with HTML then style it with CSS. Than you can use JavaScript to add interaction in your portfolio website. This project allows you show your creativity while learning the fundamentals of front-end development. Source Code 2. To-Do List Application (React, Node.js) To do list app is simple and traditional project for practice. There is lot of space for innovation in this app. You can design frontend in React JS and Node JS for backend. Implementing features like adding task, deleting task are necessary. Add more features to it, like drag-and-drop or priority sorting. This project will help you learn more about managing states and talking between a system and a server. Source Code 3. Weather App (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API) The weather website is handy for daily use. To make a weather website, you need to get API and integrate it into your website. First, create a layout using HTML and CSS. Then, add interactivity using JavaScript. Fetch real-time weather data through API and represent it on the website through Javascript. However, the user interface should be attractive and engaging. Source Code 4. E-commerce Website (React, Redux, Firebase) This project is complex and challenging. You can create a fullstack ecommerce website as a project. You may think that you can make an ecommerce website on Shopify and WordPress. Why do you need to make it in each or programming? The first reason is there is limited functionality on WordPress and Shopify. Second, in React, you can create a single page application that will be fast. For the user interface, use React. For state management, use Redux. For server services, use Firebase. Add things like lists of products, shopping carts, and methods for users to log in. This project is a way to get started with fullstack programming. Source Code 5. Blog Platform (Django, Python) Blogging is a good way to earn money as a student or part-time. You can make your own personal website using Django. First create a layout and pages in HTML and CSS than add backend functionality in Django. Create an easy-to-use interface, make sure users are authenticated, and allow them to add, change, and delete blog posts. This project is a fantastic way to improve skills and earn money. Source Code 6. Chat Application (, Node.js, Express.js) Making a chat application website is a complex task. You can develop a real-time chat application that will introduce you to the world of Sockets. Use for bidirectional communication node js and express js for the backend. Add features like secret messaging, chat rooms, and seeing who is online anytime. This project lets you learn a lot about real-time apps, which are very interesting. Source Code 7. Recipe App with API Integration Recipe website is a good idea for beginners. You can create a simple recipe website where you can display many recipes. Use HTML and CSS to design layout of this website than add interactivity with JavaScript but JavaScript is not necessary. You can simply do this in HTML and CSS but you need to make multiple pages for this project. This project will enhance your front end skills and responsiveness of website. Source Code 8. Social Media Dashboard (React, Chart.js) This project is difficult and time taking. You can create a Social media dashboard which will contain all the stats and graphs of your social media profile. Fetch the data through API or use bogus numbers so that it may look like real world data. Add features like post engagement, followers, likes and comments. This project is very helpful for those who want to learn data representation in website. Source Code 9. Online Quiz App (Angular, Firebase) For this project you need to use Angular Js for frontend and firebase for backend services. Add timers, options, and scoreboard and prize points to make it more fun. This project Is a good way to learn how to change data in real-time. Try to make it attractive and funny to get more engagement from users. Source Code 10. Job Board Website (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) Launch a website that can be used as a job board where businesses can post open positions and people can apply. Use MongoDB to handle the storage, and Express.js for the backend. Use React on the front end to make the user experience smooth and interesting. This project helps you use the MERN stack in real world. Source Code Practicing on these web development projects not only boosts your skills but also builds a strong portfolio that can impress future employers. The key to becoming a web development pro is hands-on experience and being ready to tackle challenges. So, get ready, jump into these projects, and see your skills reach new levels! Final Year Projects Data Science Projects Blockchain Projects Python Projects Cyber Security Projects Web dev Projects IOT Projects C++ Projects Top 20 Machine Learning Project Ideas for Final Years with Code 10 Deep Learning Projects for Final Year in 2024 Realtime Object Detection 10 Advance Final Year Project Ideas with Source Code E Commerce sales forecasting using machine learning AI Music Composer project with source


10 Deep Learning Projects for Final Year in 2024

10 deep learning projects for final year What is Deep Learning? Deep learning is a way of teaching computers to learn from data, just like humans do. It uses artificial neural networks, which are like simplified models of the brain, to process large amounts of data and find patterns or features in it. For example, deep learning can help computers recognize images, understand speech, translate languages, and play games. Deep learning is a type of machine learning, which is a branch of artificial intelligence. Deep learning is different from traditional machine learning because it can learn from unstructured data, such as text and images, without needing human experts to label or organize it. Deep learning can also learn from multiple layers of data, which makes it more powerful and accurate. Difference between Deep Learning and Machine Learning Aspect Machine Learning Deep Learning Definition Type of artificial intelligence which focus on algorithms and learn through data Type of machine learning which use artificial neural networks and learn through various data layers Complexity of Models It use simple models like random forest, decision tree, liner regression etc. It use complex multi-layer models to learn feature hierarchies. Training Data Size It works well on smaller datasets. It requires large amount of data for effective learning Computation Requirement Require less computational power and resource Require significant computational power and resources Feature Representation Require manual engineering and feature extraction Automatically extract features from raw data Examples Linear Regression, Support vector machine, decision tree, random forest, CNN and RNN   Deep Learning Projects for Final Year In AI projects, the most critical thing is accuracy; deep learning provides better accuracy than machine learning. So you should select deep learning projects for your final year. These projects will enhance your AI skills and help you get good grades in your final year. The final year project is complex, from idea selection to documentation and code. It is all very complex, but don’t worry; I have compiled ten deep-learning projects to help you in your final year project. Don’t take tension and chill. 1. Breast Cancer Detection using Deep Learning Breast cancer is the most deadly disease among women worldwide. It is more dominant than lung cancer. According to statistics, 2.3 Million new cases were reported in 2020, which resulted in 685000 deaths. Cancer starts with cells in the breast tissue and then multiply, affecting the healthy tissues. Medical images can be obtained from multiple technologies like MRI, ultrasound, thermography, and Histopathology. Histopathology is considered the best method to get pictures of breast cancer cells. From there, you can collect images to train deep-learning models. Deep learning models have the benefit of requiring no prior knowledge of the data. Deep Learning needs the input data to be in the correct format, and the network parameters relevant to the problem must be given as we have collected data images. First of all, we will apply data preprocessing, and then we will split the data into training and testing tests. Next, we will build the CNN model, and after that, we will train the model and evaluate it. Source Code Research Paper Recommended Reading Hand Gesture Recognition Using Machine Learning 10 Advance Final Year Projects with source code Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 2. Crop Disease Detection using deep learning In recent years, climate change and lack of immunity in crops have increased the growth of diseases in crops. This causes a decrement in crop production and results in financial loss for farmers. Agriculture is the backbone of the country. A loss in the agriculture sector means a loss in the overall economy. Due to the rapidly growing variety of diseases and limited knowledge of farmers, treatment of these crop diseases has become challenging. To solve this, technology comes in. Computer vision integrated with deep learning provides a better solution to solve this problem.Every plant has some texture and attributes that can help undetected diseases in crops. However, accuracy is critical to detecting the right disease in crops.First, look at how this system works. The user will input an image of Crop. Your deep learning model will check it and give output according to crops’ diseases. To develop this system, you will pre-process data and extract features. Then, we will apply the CNN model and then get a prediction from it. Source Code Research Paper 3. Real-Time Image Animation The social media industry is booming, and online presence is vital. But for online presence, you need engaging content. Trends are changing day by day. A Facebook post trend changed in reels due to Tiktok and is now evolving toward animation. Animations are beautiful and engaging.Traditional methods of adding animation are complex and need frame-by-frame changing. It consumes a lot of time and money. But now AI is empowering this feature. You can create real-time image detection using deep learning.The user will give an image as input, and your model will add animation to it and convert it to video. Many tools exist to create animation, from pictures to animated videos. However, accuracy is still a challenge for all. If you can make this final year project, you will get two benefits. Firstly, you will get good grades; secondly, if you launch this in website format, you can earn money. However, it is a complex project and requires many iterations to improve it. Source Code Research Paper 4. Human Pose Detection This is a computer vision project which detect the joints and body parts such as the head, knees, wrists, and elbows, in an in picture or video. This task is used in a number of applications, including sports analytics and surveillance systems. Estimating human position is significant because it allows machines to interact with the human environment by recognizing human body poses, movements, and behaviors. Source Code Research Paper 5. Language Translator Using Deep Learning Language translator using deep learning aims to create a system that automatically translate the text from one language to another. This project use

Final year project ideas

10 Advance Final Year Project Ideas with Source Code

10 Advance Final Year Project Ideas with Source Code The idea is the most critical thing when you are going to make a project. Selecting an idea for final year project is not an easy task. You need to review many aspects such as project feasibility and future potential.You need a unique and advanced final-year project idea to get approval from the supervisor. In this article I will provide you 10 advanced final year projects with source code.   1. PC controller and Monitor App Sometimes, we need a PC to complete our tasks or get some data. Let’s assume we are away from our PC and want to send the file to someone. A PC controller and monitoring app can help you access your PC remotely. You may view your PC’s files, applications, settings, and performance data and change the fan speed, RGB lighting, and audio settings. Another use case of this app is that you have remote employees and want to monitor them. With this app, you can monitor your employees and improve efficiency. To do this final year project, you first need to get approval from the supervisor.  Source Code 2. SEO Analyzer and Keyword Research Tool The trend of digital marketing and SEO is increasing day by day. You can develop an SEO Analyzer and Keyword Research Tool like Moz, Ubbersuggest, or Semrush. This project will be beneficial in your final year and also help you earn money. You can launch a paid subscription if you get better accuracy and set up your SEO platform. To do this, you need to do deep research on Google’s algorithm and the factors on which SEO depends. You can create this in Python and Django. The primary technique that will be used in this tool is web scraping. Source Code 3. Automatic attendance system by face recognition Attendance is necessary for students and employees to manage workflow and effectiveness. First, there was a traditional system of marking attendance in a notebook, followed by a biometric system for attendance. However, technology is advancing, so you can now develop an automatic face attendance system. This system will mark attendance by analyzing your face. You can embed this system with a camera in an office where the camera can automatically capture the face and mark attendance. To develop this, you need some IOT and AI. You should know Python to develop this system. Source Code Recommended Reading Hand Gesture Recognition Using Machine Learning 10 Advance Final Year Projects with source code Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 4. Smart Farming System using Machine Learning Agriculture is the backbone of a country. However, traditional farming methods are insufficient to meet the country’s needs. To overcome this issue, you can develop an intelligent farming system. This system will use advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze data from cameras, sensors, and other resources. This project aims to help farmers increase the yield and quality of crops. To develop this system, you must have a strong knowledge of machine learning. Source Code 5. Image Classification using Deep Learning Image classification uses deep learning to assign labels to images based on what they show. Let’s suppose there are 100 random images. This project will assign labels to all images. If there is an image of a dog, it will assign the label of a dog to it, and if there is an image of a cat, it will assign the label cat to it. Deep Learning models are perfect for recognizing images from extensive data. CNN is used to learn fast and identify images. Source Code 6. University Bus Tracking App This app enables students and staff to track the bus, including where it is and when it will arrive at the university. This app will help monitor buses and save time. People can also use this app to plan a trip and ensure they don’t miss any bus. There are several ways to set up a university bus tracking system, but one popular method is to put GPS devices on the buses and have them send their coordinates to a server. The server then processes the data and shows it on a map. The map and other features can be accessed on users’ devices through an app with an easy-to-use layout. Source Code 7. Web Data Mining for Terrorism Analysis This project uses web mining methods to find and investigate web activities linked to terrorism. Web mining is the process of getting valuable data from web data like web pages, links, text, and use patterns. Web data mining for terrorism analysis can help find possible terrorists, keep an eye on what they do online, follow their contact networks, and stop attacks before they happen. To complete this final-year project, you must have a firm grasp of Python and web scraping. Source Code Recommended Reading Stock Price Prediction system using Machine Learning Real-Time Object Detection Using Machine Learning Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 8. Emergency Ambulance System Early aid is essential to save a life. An emergency ambulance system quickly gets people who are hurt or sick to the hospital and gets them there by ambulance. It has trained people, vehicles, tools, information networks, and buildings that all work together to help in emergencies and save lives. In this project, you will develop an app following Uber’s structure to reach people quickly. Source Code 9. Smart House Controller App This IoT-based project will help you control your devices and equipment from far away through an app. This includes lights, thermostats, security cameras, locks, appliances, etc. You can manage all these things through a mobile phone, tablet, or voice assistant. To develop this, you should have basic knowledge of Iot and Python. Source Code 10. Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Posts Hate speech is increasing on social media. To stop this, social media platforms need unique algorithms to detect hate speech, stop it, and promote more positive speech. In this final year project, you will create

Machine learning project ideas for final year

Top 20 Machine Learning Project Ideas for Final Years with Code

Top 20 Machine Learning Project Ideas for Final Year with Source Code Machine learning is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing fields in the world of technology. I am going to present you Top 20 Machine Learning Project Ideas for Final Year. These Final Year Projects will help you to select a Machine learning Project for your final Year. You don’t need to make these projects from scratch as I will provide source code of these projects. Why you should select Machine Learning Project for Final Year? Selecting a Project in final year is very important as this is very important for your grades and future life. These ML projects can help you showcase your skills and knowledge in data science and artificial intelligence. It will also help you in getting job after your education. Machine Learning projects can help you get more chances and make your resume look better. Final year students who want to work in data science or machine learning should do a project to learn how to use machine learning models in real life. 1. E commerce sales Forecasting Model using Machine Learning In simple words, e-commerce means buying and selling products via the Internet. So, e-commerce sales forecasting is a system that helps to predict the future sales of products or services. This prediction is based on various business data. With the help of this system you quickly meet the customer expectations and help the business plan its inventory, marketing, and pricing strategies. Forecasting allows you to make accurate restock predictions based on product demand and consumer purchasing patterns. Doing this ensures that you always have products in stock and are ready to ship when clients need them. To build this project, you should know the basics of machine learning because this project is complex, but from a final year point of view, this project is perfect. Download Source Code Ecommerce sales forecasting Model using Machine Learning Code 2. Phishing website detection using Machine Learning Today fake messages, internet scam are growing day by day. And phishing is also an internet scam and in this scam attackers sends a fake messages. These fake messages that look come out from the trusted sources. This projects help to detect the phishing attack and also it protects clients from phishing fraud by helping them recognize and block fake websites. This prevents the theft of important information. Organizations also benefit by maintaining their brand and reputation. So, as a final year project selection this project is best and if you are choosing these kinds of project you will get great grades in final year. Download Source Code Phishing website detection using Machine learning source code Recommended Reading Stock Price Prediction system using Machine Learning Real-Time Object Detection Using Machine Learning Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 3. Gesture Recognition Interface using machine learning As a final year project, you can develop a gesture recognition interface that will help you enable direct communication between humans and machines. Traditional methods, such as keyboards and mouse, can limit communication between humans and machines. So, this project used machine learning techniques and infrared information to detect and classify hand gestures. The system consists of several stages: hand detection, gesture segmentation, feature extraction, gesture classification using five pre-trained convolutional neural network models and vision transformer, and human-machine interface design. To build this system, you can use several machine learning algorithms like support vector machine, K nearest neighbor, decision tree, and neural networks to recognize gestures. Download Source Code Hand Gesture Recognition Source Code 4. Real-time object detection for Robotics In the future, humanoid robots will live in our homes and help us with our daily tasks by handling objects. So, we developed a system used in machine learning and computer vision techniques to enable the robots to perceive and interact with their environment in real time. This system trains machine learning models, often based on YOLO, to recognize objects from a large dataset. These models are then embedded into the robotic system, allowing it to make predictions on the fly. The robot takes pictures with its cameras while moving, and its machine-learning model quickly identifies and categorizes objects, allowing the robot to react immediately. This final year project is exciting, and I also personally like it. So, what are you thinking? Choose this project and get good grades in the final year project. Download Source Code realtime-object-detection-master 5. Fake news detection using Machine learning The rise of social media and online platforms has made spreading fake news a big problem. To tackle this problem news problem, you can develop a fake news detection system. This system will use AI algorithms to predict whether the news is fake. Twitter(X) is also working on this system to make their tweets authenticated and credible. To make this system, download a dataset from Kaggle and apply the machine learning algorithm. You can develop it in Python, but in case if you want it as a web-based system, then you can create it in Django(the Framework of Python) Download Source Code Fake news detection using machine learning source code  6. Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Heart disease is a common and serious health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It refers to a range of conditions that affect the heart, including coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and heart failure. Heart disease can lead to significant health problems, such as stroke, arrhythmias, and even death. It is a leading cause of death in many countries and has a significant impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it. The Heart Disease Dataset is a valuable resource for researchers and healthcare professionals who are interested in understanding the risk factors associated with heart disease and developing effective diagnostic and treatment strategies.Heart disease is a complex and multifactorial condition, with various risk factors contributing to its development, such as age, genetics, lifestyle, and underlying health conditions. Recent advances in machine learning and data analysis

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