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Java final year projects with source code

Top 10 Best JAVA Final Year Projects

Top 10 Java final year projects with source code One of the most asked questions while selecting a topic for a final year or semester project is “Java Final Year Projects.” You start to wonder at that point, “What topic should you choose for your Final year project?” “Java, you have moved our world,” Think over this statement momentarily. One of the most widely used programming languages is Java. Additionally, it serves as the server-side language for most back-end development jobs, including Big Data and Android programming. Java is used in gaming, numerical computation, desktop, and other mobile computing. Also, Java is the most used programming language in the IT sector, with applications across practically all software development domains.  As a new software developer, we advise you to begin working on real-time and fully functional real-time Java applications. This article gives ten Java final-year projects. 1. Electricity Bill Management System It is one of the Good Java final year projects. The developer can experience every aspect of web development with this project, which also calls for a robust database on the back end. This system aims to simplify electricity bill management, provide accurate information, promote energy efficiency, and enhance the overall user experience. This system includes user data such as customer information, meter readings, and utility rate details. The system uses Java to process this information and perform calculations based on the electricity consumption. Java is employed to handle the logic for bill generation, ensuring accurate calculations and adherence to specific utility rate structures. Recommended Reading Hand Gesture Recognition Using Machine Learning 10 Advance Final Year Projects with source code Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 2. Library management software Maintaining responsibility for a library has always been challenging. Having this system in place allows librarians to monitor every book. They will be able to learn everything there is to know. This system includes book details, user information, and transaction records. Java processes and manages this information, ensuring smooth library operations. Java is applied to implement the logic behind these features, enabling seamless data retrieval and interaction between the software components. The system also provides administrators with tools for cataloging, monitoring inventory, and generating reports. 3. Courses Management System This project is used to provide a user-friendly platform for managing educational courses. In this System, Enrollment records, student information, and course specifics are included. Java is utilized to process this data, facilitating the organization and manipulation of information related to courses and students. The system also offers administrators tools for course scheduling, grade management, and generating comprehensive reports. 4. Supply Chain Management system A user-friendly and effective platform for managing the supply chain may be created in this final year project using the Java programming language. This system includes data related to inventory, orders, and logistics. Java is utilized to process and manage this data, facilitating smooth coordination and optimization of the supply chain. The system also provides tools for supply chain managers to monitor and analyze key performance indicators, improving overall supply chain efficiency.   5. Smart City Project This Project is among the unique ideas for a Java project. If you can finish it successfully, you’ll receive high grades from your teachers. A Smart City Project involves the application of the Java programming language to create an integrated and intelligent urban management system. This Project includes data from various sources, such as sensors, public services, and infrastructure databases. Java is employed to process and manage this diverse data, facilitating the implementation of intelligent functionalities within the city. Because of Java’s flexibility, attractive user interfaces, effective data processing, and creative algorithms for effective urban planning are all made available. 6. Hospital Management System Creating a Hospital Management System of management system improves patient care and healthcare processes and gives hospital administrators valuable tools for resource management and overall healthcare delivery. This system includes patient records, medical data, and administrative details. Java processes and organizes this information, ensuring smooth coordination and optimization of hospital processes. The system also provides: Healthcare professionals with tools for monitoring patient care. Accessing medical histories. Facilitating timely and accurate decision-making.   Recommended Reading Stock Price Prediction system using Machine Learning Real-Time Object Detection Using Machine Learning Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 7. Online Banking System It aims to provide customers convenient and secure access to their financial information, enabling efficient online banking operations while prioritizing data protection and user experience. This system includes user account details, transaction data, and security information. Java is utilized to process and manage this data, ensuring the secure and efficient execution of online banking operations. The system also provides users with tools for managing their accounts, transferring funds, and accessing various banking services online. 8. Data Visualization Software The Data Visualization Software System aims to empower users with a deeper understanding of their data, facilitating data-driven decision-making through visually compelling and accessible representations of complex information. The input for this system includes diverse data sources, analytical models, and user preferences. Java is employed to process and organize this information, enabling the creation of visually engaging and informative data visualizations. The system also provides users with tools for customizing visualizations, exploring data details, and sharing insights with others. 9. Email Client Software They are creating an Email Client Software System utilizing Java programming to develop a user-friendly platform for managing and sending emails. This system includes user credentials, email content, and configuration settings. Java processes and collects this data, ensuring secure and efficient email communication. The system also provides users tools for composing emails, attaching files, and organizing their email inboxes. Recommended Reading AI Music Composer using Machine Learning Real-Time Object Detection Using Machine Learning 30 Creative Final Year Projects with Source Code 10. Online CV builder System It is one of the greatest and most ambitious concepts for a Java project. With the minimal information provided by the user, this system will produce a fully functional resume for him. Such a strategy is always dependable for last-minute CV preparation. This

20 exciting IOT projects for Final Year

20 Advance IOT Projects For Final Year in 2024

Best 20 IOT projects for Final Year Are you a final-year student wishing to develop your skills in IOT technology? So, this article gives you the 20 most amazing IOT projects for the final year. These IOT projects are important for various industries and will help you get good grades in final year. What is Internet Of Things (IOT)? The network of physical items, or “things,” implemented with sensors, software, and other technologies to communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). These gadgets might be anything from simple everyday objects to highly advanced industrial instruments. Machines and computers are not the only types of IoT devices. Anything with a sensor and a unique identifier (UID) can be a part of the Internet of Things. Why should you develop IOT project for the final year? Developing projects based on the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Final year offers various advantages and aligns with the modern needs of the technology environment. Firstly, IoT projects allow students to discover and use current technology, improving their abilities and keeping up with market trends. In future, it will also help to get higher position jobs in the market, especially in the data science field. 20 IOT projects for Final Year with Source Code 1. Smart Agriculture System using IOT The first IOT project for the final year on my list is the smart agriculture system. Agriculture is important worldwide, and IoT is responsible for upgrading agriculture by utilizing advanced methods and tools to manage crops, land, and animals. Build this project we used IOT devices such as soil moisture sensors, weather stations, and crop health monitors. With the help of these IOT devices, we collect real time information about soil conditions, weather patterns, and the overall health of crops. These projects help the farmers to plan their activities based on upcoming conditions. In this project, the main feature is that when farmers use this system if soil moisture levels are detected to be low, the system can trigger an automated irrigation process. 2. Industrial IOT For Predictive Maintenance The next IOT project for the final year is the Industrial IOT system for Predictive Maintenance. This project helps industries improve their machinery. With the help of IOT systems, industrial companies monitor and check the maintenance of machinery. The features of this project are that it predicts the maintenance of machinery, predicts potential issues, and schedules maintenance alerts. When industrial companies use this system, they easily know that machinery now requires maintenance, whether it is further used or not, and which part of the machinery is default. 3. Health Monitoring Wearable using IOT According to the annual health report, 15% of the world’s population faces different health problems. Sometimes, patients face many challenges when going to the clinic. So, this wearable health monitoring system helps continue health monitoring and augment clinical treatment. This system gathers the user’s health through sensors used in the system. These sensors help monitor the user, such as the user’s heart rate, body temperature, and physical activity. This system sends notifications that the device is paired to a smartphone app. This IOT project can be a good project for the final year. Also, it is very helpful for every user. 4. Smart Traffic Management using IOT Nowadays, in urban mobility, ongoing population growth increases, and the result of the traffic congestion problem also increases day by day. As cities grow, there is an increased requirement to satisfy sustainability goals while examining traffic management techniques. So, the traditional methods of managing urban mobility in this day and age are showing their limitations. Additionally, the demand for an effective traffic control system is rising. All sizes of cities need digital solutions driven by technology to monitor and control traffic. They can assist in maintaining traffic volume, traffic jams at intersections, and clogged networks. So, this final year of the IOT project utilizes IOT technology to improve traffic movement and reduce congestion. With the help of sensors used in the system, real-time traffic conditions, vehicle movements and road occupancy information are collected. 5. Environmental Monitoring using IOT Nowadays, air pollution is becoming a bigger problem. To ensure everyone has a better future and a healthy lifestyle, the environment must be monitored and maintained under control. Here, this final year project offer an IOT-based environmental monitoring system that enables us to keep an eye on and assess the current state of the environment in specific locations. The device employs air sensors to detect the presence of dangerous chemicals or compounds in the atmosphere. It then continuously sends this data to a microcontroller, which then uses IOT to report it to an online server. When air quality sensor detects a rise in pollutant levels, the system can trigger alerts and send notifications. The objective of developing a smart city is to raise the standard of living by using technology to satisfy the demands of citizens and increase service efficiency. 6. Smart Waste Management using IOT Waste management is a global issue these days. According to World Bank data, at least 33% of the 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste produced worldwide each year is not managed in an environmentally responsible way. The Internet of Things is one technology that governments can employ to enhance waste management. IoT technologies provide evidence of this, as they are already integrated into common supply chains. The features of this system include Optimized waste collection routes, realtime monitoring of bin fill levels, and data on the types of waste generated. 7. Water Quality Monitoring using IOT It aims to assess and manage water quality in various environments continuously. This system is gathered through IoT devices such as water quality sensors deployed in water bodies. These sensors measure parameters like pH levels, chemical concentrations, and temperature. The Water Quality Monitoring System includes: Real-time data on water quality. Alerts for potential issues. Comprehensive reports are accessible to relevant authorities.

10 Unique C++ Projects with Source Code

C++ Projects with Source Code

10 Unique C++ Projects with Source Code The C++ programming language is widely recognized for offering numerous advantages compared to the C language. The most interesting feature of this language is its support for object-oriented programming, which opens up a completely new realm of possibilities. We are pleased to provide you with over 10 C++ projects with source code for learners. One of the most popular programming languages that is widely used in many different industries, including games, operating systems, web browsers, and database management systems, is C++. Because it incorporates object-oriented programming concepts, such as the use of specified classes, into the C programming language, some refer to C++ as “C with classes.” Over time, C++ has continued to be a very useful language for computer programming as well as to teach new programmers how object-oriented programming operates. C++ Projects with Source Code 1. Bank Management System Project This project is a simple C++ Project with source code. Bank Management System Project in C++ uses C++ to manage banking operations like account creation, deposits, and withdrawals. Users interact with the system, providing input for tasks such as updating account details. C++ is chosen for its efficiency and versatility, allowing the implementation of features like data processing and user interfaces. The output includes updated account balances and transaction receipts displayed to users. C++ #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; class Bank { private: map<string, double> accounts; public: void createAccount(const string& name, double initialDeposit) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { cout << "Account already exists!" << endl; } else { accounts[name] = initialDeposit; cout << "Account created successfully!" << endl; } } void deposit(const string& name, double amount) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { accounts[name] += amount; cout << "Amount deposited successfully!" << endl; } else { cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl; } } void withdraw(const string& name, double amount) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { if (accounts[name] >= amount) { accounts[name] -= amount; cout << "Amount withdrawn successfully!" << endl; } else { cout << "Insufficient balance!" << endl; } } else { cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl; } } void checkBalance(const string& name) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { cout << "Balance for account " << name << " is: " << accounts[name] << endl; } else { cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl; } } }; int main() { Bank bank; // Sample usage bank.createAccount("Alice", 1000); bank.deposit("Alice", 500); bank.checkBalance("Alice"); bank.withdraw("Alice", 200); bank.checkBalance("Alice"); return 0; } #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; class Bank { private: map<string, double> accounts; public: void createAccount(const string& name, double initialDeposit) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { cout << "Account already exists!" << endl; } else { accounts[name] = initialDeposit; cout << "Account created successfully!" << endl; } } void deposit(const string& name, double amount) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { accounts[name] += amount; cout << "Amount deposited successfully!" << endl; } else { cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl; } } void withdraw(const string& name, double amount) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { if (accounts[name] >= amount) { accounts[name] -= amount; cout << "Amount withdrawn successfully!" << endl; } else { cout << "Insufficient balance!" << endl; } } else { cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl; } } void checkBalance(const string& name) { if (accounts.find(name) != accounts.end()) { cout << "Balance for account " << name << " is: " << accounts[name] << endl; } else { cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl; } } }; int main() { Bank bank; // Sample usage bank.createAccount("Alice", 1000); bank.deposit("Alice", 500); bank.checkBalance("Alice"); bank.withdraw("Alice", 200); bank.checkBalance("Alice"); return 0; } 2. Train Reservation System Project The concept of the project is a train reservation system to reserve train tickets for multiple destinations. In this project, C++ is used to implement the logic for seat availability, reservation confirmation, and the generation of booking records. C++ is utilized to handle data processing, implement user interfaces, and manage the overall flow of the reservation application. The language allows for implementing key functionalities required for a reservation system, providing users with a straightforward and reliable platform to manage their train travel plans. C++ #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; class TrainReservationSystem { private: map<int, int> availableSeats; // Map to store available seats for each train public: TrainReservationSystem() { // Initialize available seats for each train availableSeats[1] = 50; availableSeats[2] = 50; availableSeats[3] = 50; } void displayAvailableSeats() { cout << "Available Seats:" << endl; for (const auto& pair : availableSeats) { cout << "Train " << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << " seats" << endl; } } void bookTicket(int trainNumber, int numTickets) { if (availableSeats.find(trainNumber) != availableSeats.end()) { if (availableSeats[trainNumber] >= numTickets) { availableSeats[trainNumber] -= numTickets; cout << numTickets << " ticket(s) booked successfully for Train " << trainNumber << endl; } else { cout << "Insufficient seats available for Train " << trainNumber << endl; } } else { cout << "Invalid Train Number" << endl; } } void cancelTicket(int trainNumber, int numTickets) { if (availableSeats.find(trainNumber) != availableSeats.end()) { availableSeats[trainNumber] += numTickets; cout << numTickets << " ticket(s) canceled successfully for Train " << trainNumber << endl; } else { cout << "Invalid Train Number" << endl; } } }; int main() { TrainReservationSystem trainSystem; int choice, trainNumber, numTickets; do { cout << "nTrain Reservation System" << endl; cout << "1. Display Available Seats" << endl; cout << "2. Book Ticket" << endl; cout << "3. Cancel Ticket" << endl; cout << "4. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: trainSystem.displayAvailableSeats(); break; case 2: cout << "Enter Train Number: "; cin >> trainNumber; cout << "Enter Number of Tickets: "; cin >> numTickets; trainSystem.bookTicket(trainNumber, numTickets); break; case 3: cout << "Enter Train Number: "; cin >> trainNumber; cout << "Enter Number of Tickets: "; cin >> numTickets; trainSystem.cancelTicket(trainNumber, numTickets); break; case 4: cout

How to Host HTML website for free?

How to Host HTML website for free?

how to host HTML website for free? In this digital era, online presence is essential for individuals and businesses. A website is crucial, whether you’re using it to promote your small business, share your passion project, or showcase your portfolio. But many people feel stuck by what they think website hosting will cost. Do not be scared! Host your HTML website for free using services like 000webhost, which is possible. Let’s explore the approach to launching your website without money. Why Choose 000webhost? Let’s explore why 000webhost is a great option for free website hosting before getting into the details of using it to host your HTML website. Zero Cost One of the major advantages of 000webhost is that it provides free hosting. You won’t have to worry about monthly subscription fees or hidden costs. It’s an excellent choice for people on a small budget or just starting their website journey. User-Friendly Interface 000webhost provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for beginners to navigate and set up their HTML and WordPress websites. You don’t need to be a tech expert to get started. The attractive dashboard guides you through the process step by step. Reliable Performance Despite being free, 000webhost provides excellent performance. You may expect your website to have reliable availability and load quickly. This guarantees that your visitors have a smooth browsing experience, which is critical for keeping them interested. How to host website on 000webhost? Everyone wants to host his website and show it to the world. But this is a big problem for beginners because they cannot buy hosting; they are just testing it, not creating it for clients. In this blog, I will show you how to host your HTML website for free. You can host an HTML website or WordPress website for free. In this blog, I will explain everything you need about free hosting.   Getting Started with 000webhost Now that you know why 000webhost is an excellent choice, let’s take you through the process of hosting your HTML website for free on this platform. Follow these steps to host your HTML website for free Step 1 The first step is to set up an account with 000webhost. Visit their website and click the “Sign Up” button. Fill out your information, including your email address, password, and website name. After completing the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email. Step 2 After you sign up, check your email for a verification email from 000webhost. Click the verification link to confirm your email address. This is an important step for activating your account and receiving access to all of the services. Step 3: Set Up Your website After verifying your email address, log in to your 000webhost account. You will be welcomed with a dashboard to manage your website. To get started, click the “Create New Site” option. Choose a name for your website and HTML as the type of site you wish to build. Step 4: Upload Your HTML Files After you’ve made your website, you can upload your HTML files. Navigate to the “File Manager” section of your dashboard. Click the “Upload Files Now” button to upload your HTML files. Once the files have been uploaded, you will see them listed in the file manager. Hosting your HTML website for free with 000webhost is a simple process that requires no technical skills. Its user-friendly design, reliable performance, and added capabilities make it an excellent choice for individuals and organisations wishing to develop an online presence without breaking the budget. How to host HTML website for free? (Tutorial) Drawbacks of Free Hosting While free website hosting can seem attractive, considering the potential drawbacks is important. Limited Resources One of the major drawbacks of free hosting is the limited resources available to you. Free hosting providers frequently limit bandwidth, storage space, and other critical resources. If your website is within these limits, it may experience slowdowns or failure. Lack of Customization Options Free hosting often offers fewer customisation possibilities than premium hosting solutions. You may be unable to access advanced features or install custom applications or plugins. This may limit your ability to personalise your website based on your preferences and requirements. Limited Customer Support Free hosting may provide a different level of customer support than paid hosting plans. While certain companies offer basic help through email or forums, response times may be slow, and support quality may need improvement. This can be irritating if you have technical difficulties or require support troubleshooting problems with your website. While free hosting is a cost-effective choice, measuring the downsides against the benefits before selecting is essential. When choosing a hosting service, consider your website’s requirements, long-term goals, and budget limits. In some cases, investing in a paid hosting package may improve website reliability, performance, and support in the long term. Can I host a WordPress site for free at 000webhost? Yes, you can host a WordPress site for free with 000webhost. They offer free hosting and one-click WordPress installation. Is there a limit to the number of websites I can host for free on 000webhost? Yes, there is a limit to the number of websites you can host for free on 000webhost. The free plan allows you to host one website per account. Does 000webhost offer SSL certificates for free? Yes, 000webhost provides free SSL certificates to all websites hosted on its platform. SSL encryption ensures that data transferred between your website and visitors’ browsers is secure. Can I upgrade to a paid plan on 000webhost? Yes, 000webhost offers paid plans with additional features and resources for those who require more advanced hosting solutions. You can upgrade your plan at any time to unlock premium features. Final Year Projects Data Science Projects Blockchain Projects Python Projects Cyber Security Projects Web dev Projects IOT Projects C++ Projects Top 20 Machine Learning Project Ideas for Final Years with Code 10 Deep Learning Projects for Final Year in 2024 Realtime Object Detection 10 Advance Final Year Project

Artificial Intelligence projects for final year

Artificial Intelligence Projects for the Final Year

Best 20 artificial intelligence projects for final year As a computer science student, you may question how to leave a long-term mark on your final year project. Selecting a project in the final year is important for your grades and future life. Artificial intelligence projects for last year can help you get more chances and improve your resume. Artificial Intelligence is a dynamic and evolving field that offers various possibilities. In this article, we will explore a variety of innovative and interesting Artificial Intelligence projects for the final year. What is artificial Intelligence? When many people hear the term artificial intelligence, they usually think of robots. But artificial intelligence has almost every element of our lives, from voice assistants to independent vehicles. Artificial Intelligence is also defined   An Intelligent Being Made by Mankind Able to carry out tasks wisely, even without clear instructions. Able to reason and behave humanely and reasonably.In your final year, diving into the world of AI allows you to add to this rapidly developing area. AI projects display technological expertise and show your ability to deal with real-world problems. Recommended Reading Hand Gesture Recognition Using Machine Learning 10 Advance Final Year Projects with source code Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence projects for final year with source code 1. Augmented Reality- Based Learning Platform For Distance Education The first artificial intelligence project for the final year is an augmented reality-based learning platform. Building a digital environment where students utilize gadgets to access interactive instructional information is the first step in creating a raised reality-based learning platform for distance learning. Through increased reality capabilities, the platform improves student learning by enabling them to visualize concepts and participate in virtual activities. Source Code 2. Development of a low cost Air pollution Monitoring System  A Low-Cost Air Pollution Monitoring System is designing a solution that allows easy and affordable air quality tracking. In this system, input comes from sensors that measure various pollutants in the air, such as particulate matter and gases. These sensors are placed strategically in different locations. The data collected is then processed and sent to a central system. The output is accessible information about air quality levels, which can be displayed on a user-friendly interface or made available through a mobile app. This project aims to provide an affordable and efficient way for communities to monitor their air quality, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their health and environment.   Research Paper 3. Real Time Video Analytics and Object Detection This project is a very simple artificial intelligence project for the final year. Real-time video Analytics and Object Detection systems involve developing a technology that instantly analyzes videos and identifies objects within them. In this system, the input consists of video feeds from cameras or other sources, and advanced algorithms process this information in real time. The system can detect and recognize objects, people, or events within the video frames. The output is valuable insights and data, such as identifying specific objects or tracking movement patterns. Source Code 4. Design and implementation of a Smart Home Using Artificial Intelligence It aims to make homes more convenient and energy efficient while providing users with an easy-to-use and adaptable home. A Smart Home using Artificial Intelligence involves creating a system where everyday devices are connected and automated through intelligent algorithms. In this setup, the input comes from various smart devices like thermostats, lights, and sensors, which can be controlled and monitored through a central hub. The system uses artificial intelligence to learn user preferences and adjust their routines. The output is a seamlessly automated home environment where AI algorithms manage tasks such as changing temperature, controlling lighting, and predicting user needs. Source Code 5. Development of Real Time Traffic Monitoring System It helps cities manage traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance overall transportation efficiency. This system involves creating a solution that continuously observes and analyzes traffic conditions. This system’s input consists of data from various sources, such as cameras, sensors, and GPS devices, capturing real-time information about vehicle movements and congestion. The system processes this data instantly to generate useful output, such as live traffic updates, congestion alerts, and suggested alternate routes. This design aims to provide commuters with timely and accurate information, allowing them to make informed decisions about their travel routes. Source Code 6. Design and Implementation Of an automated Parking System This artificial intelligence for the final year project can simplify and optimize parking, reducing the time and effort required to find a parking spot. Designing and implementing an Automated Parking System involves creating a solution where parking vehicles are streamlined and automated. This system’s input comes from sensors and cameras that monitor available parking spaces. As a car approaches, the system processes this data to guide the driver to an open parking spot. The output is an automated parking experience, where the system controls entry barriers, shows the driver available space, and manages the parking process. Source Code 7. Design and Implementation of Autonomous Drone System An Autonomous Drone System involves creating a technology where drones can operate independently with minimal human intervention. In this system, the input comes from pre-programmed instructions, GPS coordinates, or real-time data from sensors on the drone. The system processes this information to navigate, avoid obstacles, and perform tasks. The output is the autonomous operation of the drone, capable of tasks such as surveillance, package delivery, or capturing aerial imagery. Source Code 8. Artificial Intelligence In Health Care It aims to utilize artificial intelligence to improve healthcare procedures, enhance diagnostics, and ultimately improve patient results. This System involves incorporating smart technology to enhance medical processes. This System gathers input from patient records, medical imaging, and real-time monitoring devices. Artificial Intelligence processes this information, providing valuable insights such as personalized treatment recommendations, early disease detection, and efficient management of medical records. The output is a more efficient and adaptive healthcare system that assists medical professionals in making informed decisions and delivering improved patient care.

Plant Disease Detection using Machine Learning with Source Code

Plant Disease Detection using Machine Learning

Plant Disease Detection using Machine Learning with Source Code Ensuring that crops are healthy and full of nutrients is very important for long-term food production. However, diseases that affect plant leaves can slow growth and yield, a problem for farms worldwide. Conventional methods for finding diseases often involve inspecting things by hand, which can take a long time and lead to mistakes. Here comes machine learning, which has changed the game in agriculture by creating new ways to quickly and correctly find leaf diseases. Understanding Leaf Diseases Before getting into the details of machine learning-based detection, it’s important to understand the basics of leaf diseases. These diseases include a variety of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections, as well as physiological defects, all of which cause unique symptoms on the leaves of plants. From white mold to bacterial disease, each disease has a distinct appearance, making early detection difficult for farmers. The Limitations of Traditional Methods In the past, farmers had to look at leaves by hand to find leaf diseases. This method worked to some extent, but it takes a lot of work and is easy to overlook. Also, how different people see things can make diagnoses inconsistent. More effective ways to find diseases are needed because farming areas are growing, and diseases are becoming more complicated. Enter Machine Learning Traditional methods of finding diseases have drawbacks that machine learning systems could help fix. These algorithms can accurately tell the difference between different signs by using huge datasets containing images of healthy and sick leaves. Machine learning models can quickly find signs of disease through pattern recognition and classification, which lets people take action before they get infected. Training the Algorithm The functioning of machine learning-based detection systems depends on the algorithm’s training. This involves adding labelled images of healthy and diseased leaves into the model, allowing it to gain knowledge of each state’s unique characteristics. With increased data analysis iteration, the algorithm shows enhanced precision in classifying leaves images, which creates a foundation for strong disease detection. Image Preprocessing Techniques Preprocessing techniques extract important information and improve image quality before feeding the images into the machine-learning model. Resizing, normalization, and augmentation are a few strategies used to standardize the input data and enhance the algorithm’s performance. The dataset is refined through preprocessing so that the model can concentrate on identifying significant patterns in the images. Real-Time Detection and Monitoring The best thing about plant disease detection using machine learning is that it can monitor crop health in real-time. With sensors and recording devices built in, these systems can constantly look over fields for signs of disease and inform farmers immediately about any possible threats. This proactive method allows people to step in quickly, reducing crop losses and increasing yields. Scalability and Adaptability Another significant advantage of machine learning in agriculture is its scalability and adaptation across different crops and conditions. Like previous approaches, which may be limited to certain diseases or plant species, machine learning algorithms can be trained to detect a wide range of leaf diseases. Furthermore, these models can adjust to changing disease patterns, ensuring their value in dynamic agricultural settings. Challenges and Considerations Even though machine learning has a lot of potential for detecting leaf diseases, there are certain difficulties. Some aspects that need to be carefully considered are data availability, model interpretability, and implementation costs. Another major challenge is guaranteeing the algorithms’ durability and generalizability under various growing situations. Plant Disease Detection Source Code To create a plant disease detection in Python. First, download the dataset from here and then follow these steps: 1. Importing Libraries The required libraries, including matplotlib, torch, torchvision, pandas, and numpy, are imported into this block. Additionally, it imports particular modules from torchvision, including the SubsetRandomSampler from and datasets, transformations, models, nn, and functional. import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from torchvision import datasets, transforms, models from import SubsetRandomSampler import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from torchvision import datasets, transforms, models from import SubsetRandomSampler import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from datetime import datetime 2. Defining Image Transformations This block defines a set of image preprocessing transformations that use torchvision transforms. Compose. These changes include scaling, center cropping, and turning photos into tensors. transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.Resize(255), transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor()] ) transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.Resize(255), transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor()] ) 3. Loading Dataset This block loads images from a folder (“dataset_images”) using torchvision’s datasets.ImageFolder and applies the defined transformations. dataset = datasets.ImageFolder("dataset_images", transform=transform) dataset = datasets.ImageFolder("dataset_images", transform=transform) 4.Splitting Dataset Indices This block randomly shuffles the indices of the dataset and splits them into train, validation, and test indices based on predefined proportions. indices = list(range(len(dataset))) split = int(np.floor(0.85 * len(dataset))) validation = int(np.floor(0.70 * split)) train_indices, validation_indices, test_indices = ( indices[:validation], indices[validation:split], indices[split:], ) indices = list(range(len(dataset))) split = int(np.floor(0.85 * len(dataset))) validation = int(np.floor(0.70 * split)) train_indices, validation_indices, test_indices = ( indices[:validation], indices[validation:split], indices[split:], ) 5. Defining Model Architecture This block defines a CNN class inheriting from nn.Module, specifying the architecture with convolutional and dense layers. class CNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, K): super(CNN, self).__init__() self.conv_layers = nn.Sequential( # conv1 nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.MaxPool2d(2), # conv2 nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.MaxPool2d(2), # conv3 nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(128), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(128), nn.MaxPool2d(2), # conv4 nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(256), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(256), nn.MaxPool2d(2), ) self.dense_layers = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(0.4), nn.Linear(50176, 1024), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.4), nn.Linear(1024, K), ) def forward(self, X): out = self.conv_layers(X) # Flatten out = out.view(-1, 50176) # Fully connected out = self.dense_layers(out) return out class CNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, K): super(CNN, self).__init__() self.conv_layers = nn.Sequential( # conv1 nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.BatchNorm2d(32), nn.MaxPool2d(2), # conv2 nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3,

Blockchain Project Ideas

15 Exciting Blockchain Project Ideas with Source Code

15 Exciting blockchain project Ideas with Source Code Blockchain Project ideas world where innovation and decentralization converge to reshape industries. Blockchain project technology, originally designed to support cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has evolved into a versatile tool with the potential to revolutionize various sectors. I am going to present 15 creative blockchain project ideas for the final year project and also to gain the supervisor’s approval for your final-year project. What is Block chain? Blockchain technology is a decentralized and distributed ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. Each transaction is secured using cryptography, creating a tamper-resistant and transparent system. The basic concept involves a chain of blocks, where each block contains a list of transactions linked together through cryptographic hashes. 15 Block Chain Project Ideas with Source Code 1. Block chain project in Healthcare Data Management The healthcare industry struggles with enormous volumes of private patient information, but it’s often spread out in different places. In this project, blockchain can enhance data security by creating a decentralized and secure ledger for storing patient records. This system ensures privacy, interoperability, and transparency in managing sensitive medical information. In this system, the chain ensures patients have control over who accesses their data and for what purpose. This transparency in data usage fosters trust between patients and healthcare providers, addressing concerns about privacy breaches. Source Code 2. Block chain voting system The next one is the blockchain voting system. This blockchain project is one of the most impactful and can be a good project for the final year. Creating this system using advanced technology to fix problems in traditional voting, like fraud. Using a tamper-proof digital ledger called a blockchain makes voting secure and clear. We pick a good blockchain platform and build smart contracts that define who can vote and how. The voting interface is made simple for everyone to use. A solid system verifies and records votes on the blockchain, ensuring they can’t be changed. The results are shown openly for trust. Security measures, like encryption, protect against attacks. Thorough testing, deploying on a reliable blockchain, and teaching users ensure a trustworthy system. Continuous monitoring, improvements, and following laws keep the Blockchain Voting System working well over time. Source Code Recommended Reading Hand Gesture Recognition Using Machine Learning 10 Advance Final Year Projects with source code Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 3. Decentralized File Storage The next blockchain project idea is decentralized file storage. A decentralized file storage system involves creating a system where files are distributed across multiple nodes, ensuring reliability, security, and scalability. In such a system, users input their files into smaller pieces or encrypted chunks. These fragments are distributed across various nodes in the network, eliminating the need for a central server. The decentralized nature ensures no single point of failure exists, providing robustness and reducing the risk of data loss. When users want to retrieve their files, the system locates and assembles the necessary fragments from different nodes, reconstructing the original data. This approach enhances data privacy and security and promotes scalability, as the system can efficiently handle a growing volume of information. Source Code 4. Block chain powered prediction market A blockchain-powered prediction market system involves building a platform where people can predict outcomes and make bets using blockchain technology. In this system, users input predictions or bets, and the blockchain records these transactions securely. The design ensures the information is decentralized and cannot be tampered with. When an event occurs, the blockchain automatically executes and settles the bets based on the outcome. Users can then easily retrieve their winnings directly through the blockchain. This decentralized approach removes the need for a middleman, making the prediction market more transparent and resistant to manipulation. It also allows people from anywhere to participate, promoting a global and inclusive prediction market. Source Code 5. Decentralized Autonomous Vehicles Decentralized Autonomous Vehicles (DAV) system involves creating a network where vehicles can operate independently without a central authority. In this system, input comes from the cars, which use sensors and data to make decisions about their movements and actions. Each vehicle is like a smart robot on the road, constantly communicating with others to navigate safely. The output is a coordinated traffic system where vehicles work together, sharing information through a decentralized network powered by blockchain. This design allows vehicles to make decisions collectively, helping avoid accidents and optimize traffic flow. Moreover, it ensures no single control centre is needed, making the system more resilient to failures or attacks. The DAV system aims to create a safer, more efficient, and decentralized way for autonomous vehicles to operate on the roads. Source Code 6. Block Chain based Supply Chain Financing This blockchain project idea is very unique. This system involves creating a digital platform that helps businesses in the supply chain get financing more easily. In this system, enterprises input information about their transactions and supply chain activities onto the blockchain. This input could include details about the products, shipments, and payments. The blockchain securely records and verifies these transactions, creating a transparent and unchangeable history. The system’s output is that this recorded information can be used to secure financing. Banks or lenders can trust the data on the blockchain, making it easier for businesses to get loans or other financial support based on their reliable and transparent supply chain activities. This approach reduces the risk of fraud and provides a more efficient and accessible way for businesses in the supply chain to access the financing they need to grow and operate smoothly. Source Code 7. Block Chain Based gaming Blockchain-based gaming system involves creating a platform where players can enjoy games with added security, transparency, and unique ownership features. In this system, input comes from players who use the blockchain to buy, sell, and trade in-game items or characters. The blockchain records these transactions securely, making them verifiable and tamper-resistant. The output is a gaming environment where players truly own their in-game assets. Because of the blockchain’s decentralized nature,

data science projects with source code

Data Science Projects with Source Code

Best 20 data science projects with source code You have your sights set on an attractive career in data science. You know that you have the data science skills needed for the position. The issue is that you need more proof to support your data science skills. Anybody can claim to be a talented data scientist on their resume, but hiring managers will want evidence to support this claim. However, how can you show hiring managers that you’re worth their time by standing out like a perfect data scientist? Data science tasks are simple. Putting things into practice is the most efficient method! Why Data Science Projects Are Important for a Successful Career in Data Science? With IBM estimating 700,000 job openings by the end of 2020, data science is—and will always be—the hottest career choice, with demand for data professionals increasing steadily as the market expands. It takes an average of 60 days to fill an open data science position and 70 days to fill a senior data scientist position. CEOs and hiring managers at leading tech businesses aim for data scientists who can solve real-world challenges and connect their work to commercial value. Companies now employ people based on their ability to use data science rather than just academic knowledge. The greatest method to learn data science and develop a practical skill set is to begin working on data science projects. Several years ago, most data science positions required a Master’s or Ph.D. in Mathematics or statistics. However, in recent years, things have changed. The massive skills gap and the growth of data science careers have encouraged businesses to hire people who can add value to a company as quickly as feasible. Only by working with popular data science projects and completing several interesting projects will you learn how data architectures work in practice.Also, as more organizations shift their machine learning solutions and data to the cloud, data scientists must master various associated tools and technologies to stay updated. Unlocking the World of Data Science Projects: 20 Gems with Source Code Data science is more than a word; it is an exciting field that allows us to extract useful information from the huge ocean of data. Whether you’re an experienced data scientist or a newbie, getting involved in practical projects is the greatest way to polish your abilities and remain current on the latest trends. This article will examine 20 interesting data science projects using source code, providing a hands-on approach to mastering this exciting study area. 1. Price Recommendation for Online Sellers Many machine learning algorithms power a lot of e-commerce sites. These algorithms do everything from checking the quality of the products and managing the inventory to finding out who is buying what and suggesting products. E-commerce websites and apps are also trying to find ways to make it so that humans don’t have to make price ideas for sellers on their marketplace. This is another interesting business use case that they are trying to solve. That’s where machine learning for price prediction comes in. You can use your data science skills on various datasets and in interesting projects to solve hard, real-world data science problems. As part of this data science project, you will create a machine learning model to help online sellers find the best product prices. Different items with very small differences, like extra features or brand names, can have different prices depending on how much people want them. This is a difficult data science problem. It’s even harder to use price prediction models when there are millions of goods, which is the case with most eCommerce platforms. Source Code 2. Walmart Store’s Sales Forecasting Big data and data science are used by e-commerce and retail to streamline business operations and make profitable decisions. Data science techniques are used to effectively handle a variety of functions, including inventory management, product recommendations to customers, and sales prediction. Walmart generated $482.13 billion in revenue in 2016 thanks to accurate estimates across its 11,500 locations through data science approaches. The name of this data science project makes it obvious that you will be working with a dataset of 143 weeks’ worth of sales transaction records from 45 Walmart shops and their 99 divisions. Predicting future sales across many departments inside different Walmart shops is an interesting data science topic. This data science project’s most challenging aspect is predicting sales for the four biggest holidays: Labour Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the Super Bowl. Walmart forecasts sales for these events to ensure enough product supply to satisfy demand. Markdown discounts, the consumer price index, whether the week was a holiday, weather, store size, store type, and unemployment rate are just a few details in the dataset. Source Code Recommended Reading Stock Price Prediction system using Machine Learning Real-Time Object Detection Using Machine Learning Ecommerce Sales Prediction using Machine Learning 3. Personalized Medicine Recommending System Recently, there has been much discussion among cancer researchers about how using genetic testing to treat diseases like cancer may revolutionize the field of cancer research. Clinical pathologists have made huge contributions that have helped bring this ideal revolution to fruition. The pathologist manually deduces the meaning of genetic alterations after initially sequencing a gene related to a malignant tumor. The pathologist must look for evidence in clinical literature to generate interpretations, which is time-consuming and laborious. But we can streamline this process by putting machine learning algorithms into practice. This project will be a good starting point for you to study the field of medicine and artificial intelligence integration. With the data from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (MSKCC) dataset, automate the classification of every genetic mutation found in the cancer tumor. The collection includes neutral mutations (passengers) and mutations classified as drivers of cancer growth. Reputable scientists and oncologists have manually marked the dataset. Use the MSKCC dataset to create an automated system that can categorize genetic mutations in cancer tumors into classes of drivers and passengers. Source Code 4.

C++ Projects for Beginners

c++ Projects for beginners

10 Best C++ Projects for Beginners Are you a beginner looking to sharpen your skills in C++? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore 10 C++ projects for beginners that help you learn the fundamentals of the language and introduce you to the world of software development. The source code is also available to help beginners. 10 Best C++ Projects for Beginners with Source Code 1.Book Shop Management System in C++ You can build a management system for a bookshop. With C++, you can create a complete management system that handles inventory, sales tracking, and customer information tasks. By executing concepts like classes, objects, and file handling, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of C++ fundamentals while developing a practical solution for real-world businesses.   Source Code for Book Shop Management System in C++ C++ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; // Define a structure to represent a book struct Book { string title; string author; int quantity; double price; }; // Function to add a book to the inventory void addBook(vector<Book>& inventory) { Book newBook; cout << "Enter book title: "; getline(cin >> ws, newBook.title); // Using getline to handle spaces in book titles cout << "Enter author name: "; getline(cin >> ws,; cout << "Enter quantity: "; cin >> newBook.quantity; cout << "Enter price: "; cin >> newBook.price; inventory.push_back(newBook); cout << "Book added successfully!" << endl; } // Function to display all books in the inventory void displayBooks(const vector<Book>& inventory) { cout << "Inventory:" << endl; for (const auto& book : inventory) { cout << "Title: " << book.title << ", Author: " << << ", Quantity: " << book.quantity << ", Price: $" << book.price << endl; } } // Function to search for a book by title void searchBook(const vector<Book>& inventory, const string& title) { bool found = false; for (const auto& book : inventory) { if (book.title == title) { cout << "Book found:" << endl; cout << "Title: " << book.title << ", Author: " << << ", Quantity: " << book.quantity << ", Price: $" << book.price << endl; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { cout << "Book not found." << endl; } } int main() { vector<Book> inventory; int choice; string searchTitle; do { cout << "nBookshop Management Systemn"; cout << "1. Add a bookn"; cout << "2. Display all booksn"; cout << "3. Search for a book by titlen"; cout << "4. Exitn"; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: cin.ignore(); // Ignore the newline character left by cin addBook(inventory); break; case 2: displayBooks(inventory); break; case 3: cout << "Enter book title to search: "; cin.ignore(); // Ignore the newline character left by cin getline(cin >> ws, searchTitle); searchBook(inventory, searchTitle); break; case 4: cout << "Exiting…"; break; default: cout << "Invalid choice. Please enter a number from 1 to 4." << endl; } } while (choice != 4); return 0; } #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; // Define a structure to represent a book struct Book { string title; string author; int quantity; double price; }; // Function to add a book to the inventory void addBook(vector<Book>& inventory) { Book newBook; cout << "Enter book title: "; getline(cin >> ws, newBook.title); // Using getline to handle spaces in book titles cout << "Enter author name: "; getline(cin >> ws,; cout << "Enter quantity: "; cin >> newBook.quantity; cout << "Enter price: "; cin >> newBook.price; inventory.push_back(newBook); cout << "Book added successfully!" << endl; } // Function to display all books in the inventory void displayBooks(const vector<Book>& inventory) { cout << "Inventory:" << endl; for (const auto& book : inventory) { cout << "Title: " << book.title << ", Author: " << << ", Quantity: " << book.quantity << ", Price: $" << book.price << endl; } } // Function to search for a book by title void searchBook(const vector<Book>& inventory, const string& title) { bool found = false; for (const auto& book : inventory) { if (book.title == title) { cout << "Book found:" << endl; cout << "Title: " << book.title << ", Author: " << << ", Quantity: " << book.quantity << ", Price: $" << book.price << endl; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { cout << "Book not found." << endl; } } int main() { vector<Book> inventory; int choice; string searchTitle; do { cout << "nBookshop Management Systemn"; cout << "1. Add a bookn"; cout << "2. Display all booksn"; cout << "3. Search for a book by titlen"; cout << "4. Exitn"; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: cin.ignore(); // Ignore the newline character left by cin addBook(inventory); break; case 2: displayBooks(inventory); break; case 3: cout << "Enter book title to search: "; cin.ignore(); // Ignore the newline character left by cin getline(cin >> ws, searchTitle); searchBook(inventory, searchTitle); break; case 4: cout << "Exiting…"; break; default: cout << "Invalid choice. Please enter a number from 1 to 4." << endl; } } while (choice != 4); return 0; } 2. Banking Management system The banking management system can be a good C++ project for beginners. This project lets you simulate essential banking operations like account creation, deposits, withdrawals, and balance inquiries. Not only does this project enhance your C++ proficiency, but it also introduces you to the importance of error handling and exception management in software development. Source Code for Banking Management system in C++ C++ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // Define a structure to represent an account struct Account { int accountNumber; string accountHolderName; double balance; }; // Function to create a new account void createAccount(vector<Account>& accounts) { Account newAccount; cout << "Enter account number: "; cin >> newAccount.accountNumber; cout << "Enter account holder name: "; cin.ignore(); // Ignore the newline character left by cin getline(cin, newAccount.accountHolderName); cout << "Enter initial balance: "; cin >> newAccount.balance; accounts.push_back(newAccount);

Python Project Ideas

Python Projects For Beginners with Source Code

Best 20 python projects for beginners with source code Are you an aspiring Python programmer looking for creative projects to sharpen your skills? Whether you’re a beginner or have some coding experience, practicing on projects is a fantastic way to support your learning and apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios. Below, we have combined 20 Python projects with source code specifically for beginners. Let’s dip in and explore each idea in detail. 1. To-Do List Application Create a command-line or GUI-based to-do list application using Python. Users should be able to add, delete, update, and view tasks, with options to mark tasks as completed. Pyton # Define an empty list to store tasks tasks = [] # Function to add a new task def add_task(): task = input("Enter the task: ") tasks.append({"task": task, "completed": False}) print("Task added successfully!") # Function to view all tasks def view_tasks(): if not tasks: print("No tasks found.") else: print("Tasks:") for idx, task in enumerate(tasks, start=1): status = "Done" if task["completed"] else "Not Done" print(f"{idx}. {task['task']} – {status}") # Function to mark a task as completed def mark_completed(): view_tasks() idx = int(input("Enter the task number to mark as completed: ")) – 1 if 0 <= idx < len(tasks): tasks[idx]["completed"] = True print("Task marked as completed!") else: print("Invalid task number.") # Function to delete a task def delete_task(): view_tasks() idx = int(input("Enter the task number to delete: ")) – 1 if 0 <= idx < len(tasks): del tasks[idx] print("Task deleted successfully!") else: print("Invalid task number.") # Main function to run the To-Do List Application def main(): while True: print("nTo-Do List Application") print("1. Add Task") print("2. View Tasks") print("3. Mark Task as Completed") print("4. Delete Task") print("5. Exit") choice = input("Enter your choice (1-5): ") if choice == "1": add_task() elif choice == "2": view_tasks() elif choice == "3": mark_completed() elif choice == "4": delete_task() elif choice == "5": print("Thank you for using the To-Do List Application. Goodbye!") break else: print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number from 1 to 5.") if __name__ == "__main__": main() # Define an empty list to store tasks tasks = [] # Function to add a new task def add_task(): task = input("Enter the task: ") tasks.append({"task": task, "completed": False}) print("Task added successfully!") # Function to view all tasks def view_tasks(): if not tasks: print("No tasks found.") else: print("Tasks:") for idx, task in enumerate(tasks, start=1): status = "Done" if task["completed"] else "Not Done" print(f"{idx}. {task['task']} – {status}") # Function to mark a task as completed def mark_completed(): view_tasks() idx = int(input("Enter the task number to mark as completed: ")) – 1 if 0 <= idx < len(tasks): tasks[idx]["completed"] = True print("Task marked as completed!") else: print("Invalid task number.") # Function to delete a task def delete_task(): view_tasks() idx = int(input("Enter the task number to delete: ")) – 1 if 0 <= idx < len(tasks): del tasks[idx] print("Task deleted successfully!") else: print("Invalid task number.") # Main function to run the To-Do List Application def main(): while True: print("nTo-Do List Application") print("1. Add Task") print("2. View Tasks") print("3. Mark Task as Completed") print("4. Delete Task") print("5. Exit") choice = input("Enter your choice (1-5): ") if choice == "1": add_task() elif choice == "2": view_tasks() elif choice == "3": mark_completed() elif choice == "4": delete_task() elif choice == "5": print("Thank you for using the To-Do List Application. Goodbye!") break else: print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number from 1 to 5.") if __name__ == "__main__": main() 2. Weather App Develop a weather application that fetches data from a weather API and displays current weather conditions, forecasts, and temperature trends for a specified location. Pyton import requests def get_weather(city): # Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual OpenWeatherMap API key api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' url = f'{city}&appid={api_key}&units=metric' response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() if data['cod'] == 200: weather = { 'city': data['name'], 'temperature': data['main']['temp'], 'description': data['weather'][0]['description'], 'humidity': data['main']['humidity'], 'wind_speed': data['wind']['speed'] } return weather else: return None def main(): print("Welcome to the Weather App!") city = input("Enter the city name: ") weather = get_weather(city) if weather: print(f"Weather in {weather['city']}:") print(f"Temperature: {weather['temperature']}°C") print(f"Description: {weather['description']}") print(f"Humidity: {weather['humidity']}%") print(f"Wind Speed: {weather['wind_speed']} m/s") else: print("Weather data not available for the entered city.") if __name__ == "__main__": main() import requests def get_weather(city): # Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual OpenWeatherMap API key api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' url = f'{city}&appid={api_key}&units=metric' response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() if data['cod'] == 200: weather = { 'city': data['name'], 'temperature': data['main']['temp'], 'description': data['weather'][0]['description'], 'humidity': data['main']['humidity'], 'wind_speed': data['wind']['speed'] } return weather else: return None def main(): print("Welcome to the Weather App!") city = input("Enter the city name: ") weather = get_weather(city) if weather: print(f"Weather in {weather['city']}:") print(f"Temperature: {weather['temperature']}°C") print(f"Description: {weather['description']}") print(f"Humidity: {weather['humidity']}%") print(f"Wind Speed: {weather['wind_speed']} m/s") else: print("Weather data not available for the entered city.") if __name__ == "__main__": main() 3. Recipe Finder Design a recipe finder application that retrieves recipes based on user preferences or ingredients. Integrate with a recipe API to fetch recipe details and display them to the user. Pyton import requests def find_recipes(query): # Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual Spoonacular API key api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' url = f'{api_key}&query={query}&number=5' response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() if 'results' in data: recipes = [] for result in data['results']: recipe = { 'title': result['title'], 'url': result['sourceUrl'] } recipes.append(recipe) return recipes else: return None def main(): print("Welcome to the Recipe Finder!") query = input("Enter an ingredient or dish name: ") recipes = find_recipes(query) if recipes: print(f"Here are some recipes containing '{query}':") for idx, recipe in enumerate(recipes, start=1): print(f"{idx}. {recipe['title']} – {recipe['url']}") else: print("No recipes found for the entered query.") if __name__ == "__main__": main() import requests def find_recipes(query): # Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual Spoonacular API key api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' url = f'{api_key}&query={query}&number=5' response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() if 'results' in data: recipes = [] for result in data['results']: recipe = { 'title': result['title'], 'url': result['sourceUrl'] } recipes.append(recipe) return recipes else: return None def main(): print("Welcome to the Recipe Finder!") query = input("Enter an ingredient or dish name: ") recipes = find_recipes(query) if recipes: print(f"Here are some recipes containing '{query}':") for idx, recipe in

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