13 Python Projects for Final Year Students with Source Code

When starting a project, the idea is the most critical component. The idea is an integral part of the final-year project. This article gives you 13 advanced Python projects for final-year because You must have a unique idea to gain the supervisor’s approval for your final-year project.
Python Projects For Final Year Students
1. Fake Logo Detection System
This project helps people identify fake logos online. In the digital world, it’s hard to tell if a logo is real or fake. This system aims to solve this problem using Python to create a tool to identify bogus logos, making it easier for users to trust the logos they see.
Many fake logos on the internet can cause business trouble and confuse customers. This system addresses the need for a reliable tool to quickly check if a logo is real or fake. Doing this helps businesses protect their brand and customers from false information.

To use the Fake Logo Detection System, users upload images or files with logos. The system then checks if the logo is real or fake. It gives a clear message about the logo’s authenticity and may also add visual marks on the logo to show potential issues. This project aims to build trust and keep online logos genuine and trustworthy.
2. Skin Disease Detection System Using CNN
The Skin Disease Detection System Using CNN is like a helpful friend for checking skin problems using pictures. It uses an intelligent technology called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with Python to look at skin images and tell you if there might be a skin issue. This makes it easy for people to monitor their skin health and know when to ask a doctor for help.

Sometimes, it’s hard to notice or understand skin problems, which can delay getting the right help. This system is here to solve that problem. Using Python and intelligent technology allows you upload pictures of your skin, giving you quick information about possible skin conditions. You can detect any issues and talk to a doctor sooner.
You need to upload pictures of your skin into the system. It will then give you a report about possible skin issues it finds. The report might include details about the type of skin condition, its seriousness, and suggestions to see a doctor. The system wants to make it easy for you to understand the results.
3. Heart Disease Detection System
Heart disease is a common and severe health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Sometimes, doctors can’t detect heart disease in the early stage because heart problems can start quietly and become severe. It is not found in the early stage, and that is the cause of patient death. So, Heart disease detection uses Python to detect possible heart issues early. It uses machine learning algorithms to check key health details and tell you if there might be a risk of heart disease. The purpose of this project is to give everyone an easy way to monitor their heart health and get advice from a doctor when needed.

You must share health information, like age, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. The system then gives you a report showing if there might be a risk of heart disease. The report helps you understand your heart health and decide whether to make lifestyle changes.
4. Advanced Healthcare Chat Bot using Python
Today, in the modern world, health care has grown to be an essential component of our living. On the other hand, seeing a doctor for help on every health concern has become quite tricky. So, this project aims to develop an artificial intelligence medical chatbot to assist in problem diagnosis. Building this project used natural language processing so that users communicate with the chatbot effectively. The project aims to identify the health issue, summarise the problem, and recommend the doctor.

5. Online Election System Using Python
In a world, every country has conducted elections, and those people who live in the country have the right to vote for a particular party that they want to give power to. But you also know a billion people who vote, and it is a time-consuming process. Also, the government faced issues like people fighting outside the polling station, long queues and manual counting. This project aims to simplify the voting procedure by providing a simple online voting interface. Building this system used authentication and encryption techniques; for this technique, the system guarantees the accuracy and correctness of the election results.Â

The Online Election System addresses these issues by providing a digital platform that allows voters to participate in elections from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, it minimizes the time and budget of traditional paper-based voting methods, improving election accessibility and efficiency for every eligible voter.
6. Ecommerce Website Live Visitor Tracking System
E-commerce is frequently used to purchase or sell products online. Almost anything you can think of can be purchased without leaving your home. Online shops accept orders around the clock and can be reached anywhere with an Internet connection. The e-commerce industry has grown significantly in the age of the Internet.

However, the e-commerce sector faces numerous challenges. Some difficulties encountered are online identity verification, competitive analysis, keeping customers loyal, competing with manufacturers and retailers, and many other issues. A visitor monitoring system allows us to keep track of every person who visits the website, as well as the products they are most interested in and other information. This system solves that by tracking visitors live. It wants to show store owners which products are popular, how long people stay on the site, and what pages they like. By knowing this, store owners can improve the website and sell more.
The system watches what visitors are doing on the website in real-time. It collects information like which pages visitors look at, what products they check out, and how long they stay.
7. Credit Card Fraud Detection
With the rise in the digital world, credit card fraud has become challenging. Many fraudsters use phishing websites to steal your credit card information. This is not a threat only to users. It is also a threat to business owners. This fraud can harm business credibility. You can develop a credit card fraud detection system as your final year project to stop this. First, data from Kaggle will be collected, and then a machine learning algorithm will be applied to find which algorithm is best and provides the best accuracy. It uses intelligent algorithms to recognize unusual patterns and behaviors that might indicate fraud. The main goal is to ensure your online shopping experience is safe and secure.Â
The system looks at details from your credit card transactions, like the amount you spend, where you make purchases, and how often. It also learns from past data to understand what everyday transactions look like. If it sees anything fishy, it can raise an alert or put a hold on the transaction to ensure you make the purchase. The output quickly responds to potential fraud, keeping your credit card info safe.
8. SMS Spam Detection
In today’s digital world, SMS has become one of the most important modes of communication; unlike other chatting-based messaging systems such as Facebook and WhatsApp, SMS does not require an active internet connection. As we all know, hackers try to spam mobile computing devices, and SMS support for mobile devices has become vulnerable as attackers attempt to attack the system by sending unwanted links, which, when clicked, allow the attacker to gain remote access to the mobile computing device. So, for this final year project, help filter out spam messages from your text.Â

By using Python, this system used advanced algorithms to differentiate between regular and spam messages, ensuring that you receive only the messages that matter. If the system detects a spam message, it can either label it as spam or move it to a separate folder, keeping your primary inbox clean and free from unwanted messages.
9. Object detection system
In the future, humanoid robots will live in our homes and help us with our daily tasks by handling objects. So, we developed a system that uses Python and computer vision techniques to enable the robots to perceive and interact with their environment in real time. This system trains machine learning models, often based on YOLO, to recognize objects from a large dataset. These models are then embedded into the robotic system, allowing it to make predictions on the fly. The robot takes pictures with its cameras while moving, and its machine learning model quickly identifies and categorizes objects, allowing the robot to react immediately.Â
This final year project is exciting, and I also personally like it. So, what are you thinking? Choose this project and get good grades in the final year project.
10. E- Commerce website in python
E-commerce means selling products via the Internet, the fastest-growing field in the world. But to sell products online, you need an E-commerce website. Making an ecommerce website is not a simple task. Nowadays, people are developing ecommerce websites on WordPress or Shopify, but creating an ecommerce website is challenging, and you can take this challenge for a final-year project. You can make this project in different programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and PHP. You can also use the MERN stack to create an Ecommerce website. Make a beautiful ecommerce website and impress your supervisor. After your degree, you can also provide Ecommerce website development services and earn money. It means killing two birds with one stone. So work smart, not hard.

You can also use the MERN stack to create an Ecommerce website. Make a beautiful ecommerce website and impress your supervisor. After your degree, you can also provide Ecommerce website development services and earn money. It means killing two birds with one stone. So work smart, not hard.
11. Face Attendance System using Machine Learning
The Face Attendance System using Machine Learning is like having a smart assistant that recognizes faces to keep track of who’s present. It’s a modern way of managing attendance without needing papers or cards.

Traditional ways of taking attendance can be slow and old-fashioned. The hardest task in every organization is keeping track of attendance. The Face Attendance System solves this by using technology to recognize faces quickly. This means no more manual sign-ins or cards just a quick scan of faces, making attendance hassle-free. It’s especially handy for places like schools or offices where keeping track of who’s there is important.
The hardest task in every organization is keeping track of attendance. A biometric method called face recognition checks to see if a person’s facial image matches any of the faces kept in a database
The system takes pictures or video frames with faces as input and figures out who’s in them. The result is a record of who attended. Python does the heavy lifting by using its special tools for machine learning, such as OpenCV and scikit-learn. These tools help the system learn to recognize faces, making it smarter and more accurate each time.
12. Signature verification system using CNN
Each person has a unique signature and you also know that signature is very important in every kind of document. Today, a signature scam is also very common one person copies signature to the other. And secondly verification of signature manually can be time-consuming. So, with the increasing need of secure transaction and document verification build a signature verification system. The system used a convolutional neural networks to deal with variations in writing styles, different pen pressures, and ensuring the authenticity of signatures and also handle to variety of signatures. In this system user input is scanned or photographed the signatures into the system for verification. So, system verifies whether the signature is genuine or not.

In this system user input is scanned or photographed the signatures into the system for verification. So, system verifies whether the signature is genuine or not.
13. Efficient Courier Tracking System
Every online business needs an efficient courier tracking system to improve all kinds of logistics and courier services. This courier tracking system enables each order to be uniquely identified and traced throughout its life cycle. A courier tracking system enables organizations to perform significant duties such as delivering tracking updates and monitoring vehicle information. In addition, it allows us to clearly identify the various stages of delivery that each order goes through.

Not necessarily. Choose libraries and techniques that are appropriate for your project goals and level of expertise. Focus on delivering a well-executed project rather than using the latest technologies.
Consider showcasing your project on platforms like GitHub, LinkedIn, or personal portfolio websites. This will make it easier for potential employers to discover and appreciate your work.
Consider your interests, skills, and career aspirations when selecting a project. Choose something that excites you and aligns with your future goals.
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